À l’Espagnole is a scenic fantasy based in the artistic cross-fertilisation between Spain and France throughout history, specially in the XVIIth century: one of the most fertile periods in the long history.
À L'Espagnole

À l’Espagnole is a scenic fantasy based in the artistic cross-fertilisation between Spain and France throughout history, specially in the XVIIth century: one of the most fertile periods in the long history of Spanish influences in French society, a time in which the image of Spain in the cultural life of its neighbouring country varied its colour depending on the political events that marked the Parisian court and society; due to diplomatic tensions, interests and disagreements, the Spanish style spread out all around France in a irregular but very significant way. In the musical context, this love-hate relationship, of seduction and rejection, adoption and transformation of the forms à l’espagnole —mostly through dances coming from America and soon assimilated in Spain—is our source of inspiration to offer a performance in which contemporary dance, theater and live music go hand in hand in a interdiscpinary dialogue.  The copy, travel and frontier will be the choreographic inspiration axes.

Special thanks to Guadalupe Mera, teacher of Dance Theory and History at Conservatorio Superior de Danza “María de Ávila” of Madrid.

A coproduction of Compañía Antonio Ruz, Accademia del Piacere (director: Fahmi Alqhai) and Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada in collaboration with Instituto de la Cultura y las Artes de Sevilla, Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales. With the support of Centro de Danza Canal, Madrid.

Stage director and choreographer
Antonio Ruz

Dance and choreographic collaboration
Tamako Akiyama, Melania Olcina, Lucía Bernardo, Jordi Vilaseca, Manuel Martín and Indalecio Seura

Choreographic collaboration
Rafael Estevez and Valeriano Paños

Costumes and props design
Daniela Presta

Technical director and light design
Olga García

Acting assistant
Pedro Aguilar

Ana Baena


Viola da gamba and musical direction
Fahmi Alqhai

Mariví Blasco

Viola da gamba
Rodney Prada, Rami Alqhai, Johanna Rose

Baroque guitar
Enrique Solinís

Javier Núñez

Pedro Estevan