With the intention of rehumanizing ourselves, returning focus to the bonds between us and recognizing our vulnerability, FLOP explores the interaction between two bodies that search for each other, bodies that try, fail, succeed, bodies that hold each other up or push themselves away while cohabiting the intimacy of a shared yet unfamiliar space. 

Photo: © Alperifoto. Video: ©Alba Vilariño

In a society where we are mandated, subtly yet stubbornly and persistently, to be happy or to revel in success, and where one's worth as an individual revolves around our level of productivity or our accumulation of likes, it seems almost unthinkable to contemplate failing in our endeavors, thus turning said failure into a stigma or dishonor. But what is failure, really? When can it be said that we have failed at a project? And in a relationship?

FLOP is a small-scale project with just two performers which delves into the universe of human relationships, fragility, and desire. In this initial phase of research, the first choreographic sketch will be drawn in the creative process of the piece, which aims to premiere in a shortened version during the spring of 2024.

Direction and choreography
Antonio Ruz

David Vilariño y Gaizka Morales


Lighting design
Olga García – AAI

Paola Villegas, Gabriel Blanco – Spectare

Valeria Cosi – Tina Agency